Better Posture with Pilates
Wondering if pilates can help with better posture?
Pilates can be part of the solution to better posture! Right now, more than ever, improving posture and the curvature of your spine is absolutely critical. While there’s a lot to worry about right now, posture is one thing that you have the power to do something about today.
During this time, we appreciate everybody’s efforts to work collectively as a community to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Most of us have drastically changed our daily routines to meet the Summit County Health standards. We are encouraged to practice social distancing and stay inside, while learning to accept this new normal. Over the years, we’ve seen a general increase in computer use, and it would be fair to say that self-isolation has seen us spend a whole lot more time in front of our computers or looking at our phones - be it working from home, learning about the latest pandemic updates, connecting with friends and family or simply trying to escape reality for a while with a Netflix or Kindle binge.
While in the world of global pandemics we have been doing our best to flatten the curve, in the Pilates world we must do everything we can to maintain and improve our curves - the natural curves of our spine, that is!
Achieve better spinal curve and posture with pilates!
How does pilates help posture?
Why would you want to maintain the curve? Because the next position is the best position. “Good posture” is not just one position, but the fluidity of movement and accessibility to a variety of positions. The natural curvatures help to protect our spine by placing the least amount of stress on the body’s tissues, distributing load forces and providing efficiency of muscle activation through movement. In addition, these natural spinal curves allow for adequate breath and circulation throughout the body.
How the spine works
Think of your spine acting like the shock absorbers on your car. When they are working optimally, your car will smoothly and efficiently move over the lumps and bumps in the road and there is less wear and tear on your vehicle. When there is a problem with those shock absorbers, you can feel every hole and crack in the road, you spend more time and money on maintenance and it just doesn’t feel good.
Joseph Pilates said it best when he said, “You are only as young as your spine is flexible.” He knew that by maintaining the curves of our spine, through front to back, side to side and rotational movement, we would be moving smoothly and efficiently through our days, meaning less down time (maintenance) and, most importantly, allowing us to feel good in our body.
Think your posture might need a little work?
As a part of The Good Movement Studio Community, we invite each of you to BE GOOD to your bodies, our greatest gift in life. Let us help you in your health and posture journey!
All these methods of movement practices aim to get you moving your body and spine the way it was designed to!